Oisín O’Sullivan
Contact: Email /


  1. ME
  2. JapFest 2023
  3. Toyota Celica GT-Four
  4. IADT - DL828 Final Year Project

Hi there! I’m Oisín, I’m currently a final year student at IADT Dún Laoghaire - studying 3D Design, Modelmaking & Digital Art. In 2023 I was awarded an inaugural sports scholarship for my contribution to sport in IADT and achievements in Taekwondo.

I like messing around with most things visual-arts related - I love photography, videography, 3D design, animation and visual effects. I've always had a love for film, television and gaming, which has inspired me to pursue this path as an artist and create worlds big and small to be explored and viewed. My works explore digital design from all aspects including entertainment, visualisation and education - using a variety of software including 3ds Max, Unreal Engine, Blender and Gaea to convey the purpose of each project.

This is an ongoing digital documentation of some my work. You can find my contact info at the top of the page!

    Oisín O’Sullivan


    - Dublin (ME)
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